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Version: 2.0

Migration Guide

Summary of changes

This migration guide covers the following:

Deprecation of total and disable_total

As outlined in an earlier post, we have been planning to remove the total counts from a number of endpoints for quite some time.

As of 4th September, the total returned on the below endpoints will no longer be returned. This also means that we deprecate the disable_total (or disableTotal when using the Javascript SDK) parameter. Remove this parameter from your request, and remove any usage of the total from your code. This affects the following endpoints:

We plan to launch 5 new endpoints that will provide you with these totals. This will be launched mid-August, giving you 2-3 weeks to prepare your codebase prior to the breaking changes going live.

The endpoints are:

New: Get wallet stats

  • Endpoint: /wallets/{address}/stats
  • Example response:
"nfts": "14",
"collections": "3",
"tokens": "4",
"transactions": {
"total": "5433"
"nft_transfers": {
"total": "321"
"token_transfers": {
"total": "2141"

New: Get NFT collection stats

  • Endpoint: /nft/{address}/stats
  • Example response:
"total_tokens": "1000",
"owners": {
"current": "511"
"transfers": {
"total": "5311"

New: Get NFT token ID stats

  • Endpoint: /nft/{address}/{token_id}/stats
  • Example response:
"owners": {
"current": "1"
"transfers": {
"total": "5311"

New: Get ERC20 token stats

  • Endpoint: /erc20/{address}/stats
  • Example response:
"transfers": {
"total": "5311"

New: Get Block stats

  • Endpoint: /block/{block_number_or_hash}/stats
  • Example response:
"nft_transfers": {
"total": "511"

Changes to getLogsByAddress

Now a topic0 must be provided when making a request to getLogsByAddress. The topic0 is the keccak256 hash of the event signature. This signature can be found in the ABI of the contract. For example, the Transfer event signature for an ERC20 contract is: Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to ,uint256 value).

Also, it is no longer possible to provide a topic1, topic2 or topic3 in the request. If you need to filter out specific values in the logs, then you should do it in the client side, after the request is made.

Update your code in the following way:

1. You are already providing a topic0, and no other topics in your request

No changes needed.

2. You are not providing any topic in your request

Now you need to provide a topic0. To find this topic:

  1. Check out the event signature in the ABI. It should look something like Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to ,uint256 value)

  2. Remove the parameters from this signature so it looks like Transfer(address,address,uint256). Also make sure there are no whitespaces in the string. Hash it with keccak256 (use any library that you want: web3js/ethersjs etc.):

  3. Some examples on how to get the topic0 from the event signature using ethersJs. Many other web3/crypto libraries support similar functions.

const ethers = require('ethers');

const eventSignature = 'Transfer(address,address,uint256)';
const hash = ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256(['string'], [eventSignature]);

For example for the Transfer event, that we showed above, we get: 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef Note: Make sure that the hash is prefixed with 0x. If the library that you use does not include the 0x, then make sure to manually prefix the hash with 0x.

3. You are providing topic1/topic2/topic3

If you are providing any topics other than topic0, then you should remove them from the request. If you need to filter out specific values in the logs, then you should do it in the client side, after the request is made.

4. You are using all events/logs from a contract

If you want all events/logs from a contract, you now need to make multiple calls for each topic0. This needs to be done for all events of the contract. These events can be found in the ABI (or search via Etherscan for example). Refer to 2. on how to get the topic0 from the event signature.

Deprecation of direction on getNFTTransfers

The direction parameter on getNFTTransfers is deprecated. Remove this parameter from your request, and remove any usage of the direction from your code.

Deprecation of endpoints

The following endpoints will be deprecated:

Deprecation of getErc20Transfers

If you are using getErc20Transfers then please start using getTokenTransfers and/or getTokenAddressTransfers.

Deprecation of getErc20Approvals

If you are using getErc20Approvals for wallet approvals, then please start using getTokenAllowance. The below example illustrates how to migrate to getTokenAllowance

Taking the following request on getErc20Approvals:

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Returns the following response, and we can see that the allowance is 144999999999999999 for the contract_address of 0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84.

"cursor": null,
"result": [
"token_name": "stETH",
"token_symbol": "stETH",
"token_logo": "",
"token_decimals": "18",
"from_wallet": "0xcb1c1fde09f811b294172696404e88e658659905",
"from_wallet_label": null,
"to_wallet": "0x1111111254eeb25477b68fb85ed929f73a960582",
"to_wallet_label": "1inch v5: Aggregation Router",
"contract_address": "0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84",
"block_hash": "0xb0bfa1a5d52ed5abc15b5dcd1e4cb351f3cc3b35d4b8c3bf4e0e91ec78d76670",
"block_number": "17654765",
"block_timestamp": "2023-07-09T07:47:59.000Z",
"transaction_hash": "0x8ddc6e9cf29aac7b5d2d42e60d6452ca1874c05ca3f44d97bdf5007bc3e5cdce",
"transaction_index": "132",
"log_index": "559",
"value": "144999999999999999",
"possible_spam": false,
"value_decimal": "0.145"

To get the same allowance using getTokenAllowance, you would make the below request with the following inputs:

Path parameters:

  • address = 0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84 (i.e. contract_address from the above)

Query parameters:

  • owner_address = 0xcB1C1FdE09f811B294172696404e88E658659905 (i.e. from_wallet from the above)
  • spender_address = 0x1111111254eeb25477b68fb85ed929f73a960582 (i.e. to_wallet from the above)
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

When making this request, we get the following response:

"allowance": "144999999999999999"

We then see that allowance returned mirrors value from the getErc20Approvals.

Deprecation of searchNFTs, getErc20Mints, getErc20Burns

If you are using searchNFTs, getErc20Mints or getErc20Burns please remove these endpoints from your code base.