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Version: 2.2

Stream Management

Moralis Stream Management allows you to monitor, update, and pause streams with ease. Programmatically or via the web UI, you can get a list of all your streams, set settings, and update the status of a stream. Get started with Moralis Stream Management today!

GET Streams

You can see a list of all your streams by calling the following method:

const streams = await Moralis.Streams.getAll({
limit: 100, // limit the number of streams to return
Or you can see all streams in the Admin Panel

Or you can see all streams in the Admin Panel


"result": \[
"webhookUrl": "string",
"description": "string",
"tag": "string",
"topic0": \[],
"includeNativeTxs": true,
"allAddresses": false,
"includeContractLogs": true,
"advancedOptions": [{
"topic0": "string",
"includeNativeTxs": true,
"filter": {}
"abi": \[],
"filter": "string",
"address": "string",
"chainIds": [
"id": "3fa84f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"status": "active",
"statusMessage": "string"
"cursor": "string",
"total": 1

Monitor Stream

Sometimes you want to check if a stream is still active or if something went wrong. When you query all your streams you can see the status of the stream. There are three possible states: active, paused and error.

Stream Settings

Moralis sets a default region for your stream. You can change the region anytime. Choose the region that is closest to your backend for the best performance.

Set Settings


import Moralis from "moralis";

apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",

await Moralis.Streams.setSettings({
region: "eu-central-1", // 'us-east-1' | 'us-west-2' | 'eu-central-1'

Via WebUI

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose a region which is closest to your backend
  3. Click on Save Changes

Update Stream

In some cases you want to add a chain to an already existing stream or change the webhook url. Luckily you can easily update your streams.


Example on how to update the webhook url of a stream:

import Moralis from "moralis";

apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",

await Moralis.Streams.update({
id: "STREAM_ID",
webhook: "<https://YOUR_NEW_WEBHOOK_URL>",

Via WebUI

  1. Go to Streams.
  2. Hover on the last column of the streams table. You will be able to see more options. (Edit, Delete, Pause Stream).
  3. Select Edit to go to edit form page.
  4. Change the things you want to update
  5. Click on Edit Stream

Update/Pause a Stream

You can update the status of a stream at any time. Possible values for status are active, paused and error.

For example: In some cases you might want to pause a stream. You can do this by calling the specific endpoint.


await Moralis.Streams.updateStatus({
status: "paused",

Via WebUI

  1. Go to Streams.
  2. Hover on the last column of the streams table. You will be able to see more options. (Edit, Delete, Pause Stream).
  3. Select Pause Stream to change the status of your stream

Via HTTP Request

curl -X 'POST'
-H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{"status": "paused"}'